14: Fibonacci series coding process!

Mom: what is Fibonacci Series?

Abhi: Fibonacci series is 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

Now I will write code for getting this sequence .

f(0)=1, f(1)=1





M: do you see a pattern? Can you write it in a generalized form?

A: yes.


M: what should you do next?

A: n=2

M: and?

A: N goes upto whatever we want, say 10

M: how else can you say that?

A: I can say repeat my formula for n=2 to n=10

Cool I got it.



n=n+1 }

M: good, anything else you can think of to make it more efficient?

A: No

M: how about n, can you start it at 0?

A: I could not start n from 0 or 1 because I need a starting point.

M: Anything else?

A: no post mommy.

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