110: The Coronavirus : The Resiliency Challenge

Let’s get together and do some things for helping out each other. I came across this resiliency challenge which is an interesting initiative to gather community talents together to solve some existing COVID-19 issues.

Here is the link:


There are several categories or tracks to choose your project from and the target beneficiaries  for your project.


  1. Collecting and sharing information

  2. Preventing the spread of the virus

  3. Addressing social isolation, mental health, and maintaining connections

  4. Getting resources to those in need

  5. Going virtual

  6. Other (Hacker’s Choice)


(a) Vulnerable populations: homeless, elderly, pre-existing conditions, immigrants, elderly, incarcerated individuals, in recovery, veterans, and more

(b) Front line workers and health professionals: nurses, doctors, grocery workers, and more

(c) The sick and their families 

(d) Displaced workers: unemployed, laid off workers, gig workers, and more 

(e) Students and schools

(f) Small businesses

(g) General population

The challenge is only available for 13 and older. I’m hereby spreading the word for anyone eligible to participate. Note the deadline to register is April 5th 2020.

Although I cannot participate now, If I am able to , here is a prospective project idea that I would explore.

I would target my project to get resources to help students to address social isolation and maintain social connections. This is important to me as part of me knows what I am missing from social distancing, and part of me knows why social distancing  is necessary.  Although there are several tools like Google classroom, Zoom and emails and chats for learning ; kids need more human connections for their well being. 

My resource would be an app , called “Kids Safe Connect“,  that connects kids with a mentor – the one who challenges and comforts a kid both academically and psychologically. This mentor ideally would have the same or similar situation as the mentee so they understand each other well. I’m also going to put further thought on this, but really hopeful that some one would address this gap for all kids out there. I’m lucky to have a great mentor in my life. 

Please share your ideas too. 


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