126: One Word !

Today is the last day of the year 2021 and I am reflecting on everything that passed through the year. I quietly watched a lot of different things, some of which are personal and some that are non personal. Having lived through a whole year of pandemic has questioned several people of their choices- from assuming good food, friends and also education. The wants have astronomically changed for everyone. Kids have been wanting to go to school rather than playing around. People are wanting to go to the places where there are other people and everyone wants to be safe and careful. 

If I were to reflect 2021 in one word, it would be “care”.  I have seen people who care about others going out of their way to take care of them. I have seen friends taking care of each other. Pandemic has positive effects on atleast bringing the creative and caring aspect of everyone. 

Thinking about the upcoming year, I am picking “communication” as my word for 2022.  I picked communication because it helps me to connect with more people and also helps others to have a peek into my world. I think it’s the most important part to be heard and hear from others. Communication helps to share ideas and thoughts and learn more and more.

The opportunities from 2021 helped me prepare for the exciting journey in 2022. I’m looking forward for a pleasant experience with a focus on communication.

Wishing everyone a happy new year! 

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